I can't necessarily still do them, but I still like them)
cooking with good equipment
walking through fallen leaves in the fall
the smell of autumn
walking against the wind
the smell of rain coming
hot baths
baked fish
primping in front of a mirror
make up
good hair days
nice clothes
the way I feel when I have finished a knitted project I am proud of
the way I feel when I find and polish a beautiful fractal
learning something new
giving a talk
a happy cry with a friend
long talks with friends
playing games
winning games
waking up after a good sleep
going to bed after working hard
the feel of freshly washed hair; my own or someone else’s
the way a freshly bathed baby smells
laughing with a baby
singing with the choir
feeling I have communicated with God
knowing I did well in a hard class
figuring things out
pushing for one more lap than I think I can do when I am swimming: doing it
making someone laugh
watching the eyes of a student when they have finally “got it”
having a student who has struggled do well on a test
sharing my heart with someone and feeling appreciated, even understood
knowing someone loves me
knowing I love someone
feeling pretty
lying in the grass
feeling the warm sun on my skin
exchanging smart alec remarks with a friend
escaping into a well crafted mystery or sience fiction or fantasy novel
making up talks in my head
feeling smart
the smell of cinnamon rolls baking
having pretty fingernails & hands with polished nails
looking at something I find beautiful
seeing how things work together
solving a hard math problem
solving a hard puzzle without cheating
working cryptic crosswords with a friend
watching the first big snowfall of the year
sitting inside on a rainy afternoon watching the clouds roll in
knowing the soup is cooking
new clothes (not shopping though)
going to the Shakespearian festival
feeling warm & snuggled down
a pain free day, hour, moment
fresh vegetables from the garden
playing with a child
holding a sleeping child
watching a snow storm with big wet snowflakes
watching the clouds move in over Camel’s Back
groaning & moaning & carrying on when playing board & card games
watching fractals cycle colors
day dreaming
going to sleep
reading out loud with someone
fresh air
looking at cook books
looking at knitting books
learning to knit new stitches
visiting with a group of friends
getting personal email